Emmanuel Yeku
Hailing from the vibrant coastal town of Abeokuta in Ogun State, Emmanuel M. Yeku is an artist who defies boundaries and embraces the boundless possibilities of the creative realm. With an unwavering commitment to his craft, Yeku has carved a distinctive path through the world of art, consistently pushing the envelope of artistic expression.
Yeku's artistic journey is a testament to his unyielding pursuit of excellence. His work revolves around a central theme - the profound integration of human experiences within the tapestry of life's daily rhythms. As a full-time studio artist, he masterfully weaves his narratives through the portrayal of human figurative images, each a reflection of the dynamic interplay between past and present.
What sets Yeku's art apart is his meticulous attention to detail, as he adorns his subjects with modern-classical costumes and hairstyles. These choices serve as a visual bridge between epochs, inviting viewers to traverse the annals of human history and experience the continuum of existence.
Yeku's creative process unfolds in series, a deliberate approach that allows him to delve deep into the recesses of his own psyche and provoke introspection in his audience. Through his work, he challenges us to transcend limitations, discard preconceived notions, and embrace the boundless potential that resides within us all.
The themes that resonate most profoundly with Yeku are those rooted in the spectrum of human experiences. His art is a beacon of hope, a form of therapeutic expression, and a catalyst for transformation. Working primarily with oil and acrylic, he uses these mediums as his conduit for communicating the intricate stories of the human journey.
Emmanuel M. Yeku's trajectory into the world of art was not preordained; rather, it was a fortuitous encounter. Fate introduced him to the realm of art during his college years at the Federal College of Education, Osiele. Initially motivated by criticism, Yeku embarked on a quest to master the skills of drawing, painting, and sculpture. His dedication and determination propelled him to excel, ultimately specializing in the medium of painting.
Today, Emmanuel M. Yeku stands as a testament to the transformative power of art and the boundless potential that exists within each of us. Through his work, he inspires us to look beyond the confines of convention and embrace the limitless horizons of creativity. His journey serves as a reminder that, sometimes, the path less traveled leads to the most extraordinary destinations.
2022 -Strokes and Colours, an iDesign art exhibition, GAIA house, Victoria Island, Lagos.
2020 - The is never gone, a group exhibition at Federal College of Education, Abeokuta