Felix Awotwi
Felix Awotwi (b. 1996) is a Ghanaian portrait and figurative artist based in Accra, Ghana, whose creative exploration revolves around the utilization of ropes and acrylics in his compositions. His visually captivating works invite viewers to engage with the microcosm of his local community, revealing interconnectedness amidst individuality.
In his artistic practice, Awotwi employs plastic ropes and acrylics to depict the diverse inhabitants of his community, bridging the gap between traditional and contemporary fashion styles. Embracing all African body types, his subjects represent a celebration of diversity and cultural identity.
Through his art, Awotwi delves into both constructed and discovered narratives, examining the dynamic relationship between past, present, and future. His works prompt viewers to contemplate the changes that lie ahead and their willingness to embrace or enact transformation.
Driven by his fascination with the resilience and creativity of his people in the face of adversity, Awotwi aims to uplift his community through his art and inspire individuals of all ages to transcend societal limitations. By immersing viewers in the texture and detail of his compositions, he seeks to evoke shared emotions and foster a deeper understanding of his people's experiences.