Bualabu.a.la / ˈbwalɐ, Female name
1. village; settlement; quimbo
2. neighbourhood
3. land From the Quicongo or Fiote buala, "ditto"
BUALA is an immersive installation that invites visitors to embark on a captivating exploration of identity, materiality and the interaction between urban environments and personal narratives. Created by artist Rómulo de Santa Rita, this thought-provoking installation of artworks is inspired by Angola's suburban landscapes, using cardboard, paint, spray paint and metal sheets - materials that are commonly found in the construction of houses in these areas.
As working partners, the artist would especially like to thank José Silva Pinto for the invaluable reference images in his most recent book, "Fotografias com Gente lá dentro" (Photographs with People Inside). These images serve as a visual dialogue that underpins the creation of "Buala".
Originally created: 2023
Subject: Children
Materials: Metal
Medium: Painting on kraft Paper
Styles: Documentary, Conceptual, Realism